How serious are the effects of IBS on the patient?
IBS might not be a life – threatening disorder in itself but it does affect the patient’s quality of life. Patients with IBS have various severities. Approximately 70% of patients will have mild symptoms. Approximately 25% of patients have more moderate symptoms, that is, they have symptoms that may interfere with their functioning. Approximately 5% of IBS patients have very severe, disabling symptoms.
What causes IBS?
The causes of IBS are unknown. Over the past few years several studies show that there may be a genetic predisposition to developing IBS. However, most researchers believe that a genetic predisposition alone is not enough to cause the disorder. They believe that there must be a second insult or second injury to trigger IBS to bring it to the forefront. Other research has shown an association between prior gastrointestinal infections and IBS. Because the brain communicates with the intestines, there is widespread acceptance that psychological factors, such as emotions and stress can contribute to flare-ups of bowel disorders.