Pain Management

Pain Management

Hypnosis for the Relief and Control of Pain

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Pain is a combination of physical and emotional component of any abnormality within one’s body or mind. Chronic persistent pain can be physical or organic but when emotions combine with it, the pain becomes worse and difficult to treat. Actually pain without an emotional overlay is more tolerable and easily treatable. Fear, rage, worry, and depression can worsen pain.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods of treating pain. It induces a trance like state, which gives complete relaxation; a focused mind and acceptance of the desired objective in the subconscious mind and removes the negative thoughts from mind. It not only treats physical component of pain but also the emotional overlay. It can relieve pain of varying intensity from any part of the body.

 Hypnosis provides hypoanalgesia (to reduce pain) and hypoanesthesia (to convert pain to numbness). It has been effective in pain relief and also in enhancing the healing process. It has been proved efficient in dental clinics for tooth extractions and minor procedures, to relieve labor pain for childbirths, migraine headaches, arthritic pains, back pain and neuralgia. 

People hypnotized for fibromyalgia, which presents with chronic muscle pain and sleep disorders have shown good pain relief as well as normal sleep patterns.

Pain may be mandatory but suffering is optional (Eimer B.N 1999).

The method of hypnosis is more important than the type of pain (Evans 1990). 

For acute pain, a hypnotherapist will focus on reducing anxiety and lowering the emphasis on pain. For chronic pain hypnosis deals with both the physiological and psychological impacts of pain.

 Cognitive psychotherapy, waking state reframing and hypnosis help in changing the negative thinking. Hypnosis provides analgesia, imagery and relaxation technique. Self-hypnosis is an important tool in managing day-to-day pain by patients themselves.

Hypnosis has no deep or long lasting side effects and it is an easy technique. A common problem with chronic pain management with pain-killing drugs is that the brain gets accustomed to the drugs requiring higher and higher doses successively. Hypnosis on the other hand stops the brain from responding to pain signals. Hypnosis has an important role to play in pain and pain perception.


Pain is your body's warning system. You should never use hypnosis to control pain or take pain controlling medication without knowing why you are in pain. It is important to consult your doctor to find the cause of pain before attempting any type of pain relief.

Do you wake up every morning thinking "how much pain am I going to be in today"?. Using hypnosis and EFT (tapping) you can wake up thinking "how much comfort am I going to be in today"
Desi Flynn has been successfully helping his clients with pain management issues with a very high success rate for almost a decade, so don't hesitate to contact him for a consultation.
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